Our Mission

PHC Global provides early biothreat detection, analysis, and attribution to enable leaders in enterprise, defense, and national security to protect humankind and capital.

We are backed by the best

Our Solution

PHC leverages robust global data, proprietary data science, and artificial intelligence to deliver proactive solutions for a safer and more resilient world across the spectrum of known, unknown, and biologically engineered threats. Fused with deep biological threat expertise, our products enable strategic, operational, and tactical decision making to better protect your humankind and capital from biosecurity threats.

Our Story

During the pandemic, PHC Global Founder and CEO Dr. Charity Dean was obsessed with understanding the spread of COVID-19, identifying the risks it posed to people and businesses, and devising the most effective ways to stop it. She was amazed to find that most companies expected someone else to save them. As a public health official on the executive team running the pandemic response in California, however, Dr. Dean knew they were on their own.

That disconnect compelled her to create PHC Global to develop a commercial-grade intelligence platform to empower enterprises to manage biosecurity risks at scale. She recognized that Silicon Valley innovations in artificial intelligence could help birth this entirely new capability.

PHC Global delivers real-time, dynamic biosecurity intelligence through a stand-alone Pharos Platform, directly to existing security systems through an API, and in consultation with PHC Global experts.

Our Values


We are learners and welcome insight from every team member and client. We treat one another with kindness and respect, valuing teamwork and shared wins.


We find joy in working together towards a shared mission, cheering each other on as we take the work, but never ourselves, too seriously.


We act responsibly in every aspect,  never cutting corners, to deliver the highest quality work possible.


We act with courage to tackle the most challenging problems, never turning away from hard-truths, and demonstrating leadership where others might falter.


We build and maintain trust by being open, honest, and reliable, fostering strong relationships both inside the company and with our customers.


We foster a culture of curiosity and creativity, always pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo to create solutions that differentiate our company.

PHC Global is a BLUE KNIGHTâ„¢ company

PHC Global has been selected as a BLUE KNIGHTâ„¢ company because of its innovative work developing the Pharos biosecurity platform. PHC Global brings centralized, trusted intelligence to global enterprises so they can respond quickly to biosecurity threats.

As a BLUE KNIGHTâ„¢ company, PHC Global receives access to capital-efficient resources, including expertise, community, industry connections and entrepreneurial programs, with the goal of advancing Pharos.

BLUE KNIGHT™ is a joint initiative between Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS (JLABS) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. BLUE KNIGHT™ is designed to support companies that anticipate potential health security threats, activating the global innovation community and amplifying scientific and technological advances with the aim to prepare for and respond to our rapidly evolving global health environment.

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