Biosecurity Threats

Biosecurity fall into several broad categories, but they are all either infections themselves or events that drive up risk of infectious diseases. They can negatively impact your employees, your business continuity and your bottom line. We think about biorisks in four large categories:

Infectious diseases such as winter respiratory viruses, Ebola viruses and stomach flu
Environmental events such as heat waves, air quality problems and flooding
Infrastructure events such as electrical grid outages and hospital evacuations
Geopolitical events such as refugee movement and civil unrest

Biosecurity Threats

Biosecurity fall into several broad categories, but they are all either infections themselves or events that drive up risk of infectious diseases. They can negatively impact your employees, your business continuity and your bottom line. We think about biorisks in four large categories:

Infectious diseases such as winter respiratory viruses, Ebola viruses and stomach flu
Environmental events such as heat waves, air quality problems and flooding
Infrastructure events such as electrical grid outages and hospital evacuations
Geopolitical events such as refugee movement and civil unrest


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