Welcome to PHC Global Guides where we explore how to manage and mitigate biosecurity risks in various settings.
Developing RSV Resilience Within an Organization
Mitigating outbreaks of RSV or other respiratory diseases before they occur is key
to a resilient workplace health strategy. RSV is normally transmitted through
coughing and sneezing, and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus.
Biosecurity risks vs Cyber Risks
Cybersecurity is top of mind for many senior security leaders, and it shares some common characteristics with managing biorisks. Your risk management plan should include both of these threats to your enterprise. Find out why by downloading information from PHC.
Building Enterprise Resilence to Norovirus
Norovirus is a highly transmissible viral pathogen often called “stomach flu.” What threats does it pose to your business and what can you do to prevent it? Download more information from PHC.
Protect Against H5N1 (Avian Flu)
The warming climate is changing avian migration patterns. The new migration routes are bringing wild birds into greater contact with domestic poultry and humans – creating a threat of H5N1 transmission. How can you protect yourself and your business from this virus? Download this guide to learn more.
Is Air Quality Really a Disruption at Work?
Smoke from wildfires is a growing concern across the U.S. as wildfires burn hotter and longer than in the past. Download our recommendations for mitigating the effects of poor air quality on your employees at work during smokey days.