PHC Global Resources

We have curated a wide range of resources on a variety of topics surrounding biosecurity. Our resources include articles, reports, infographics, videos and other materials.

PHC Blogs

Visit the PHC Blog to learn more about issues related to managing biosecurity.

Policy or Panic? Unpacking Hong Kong's Strategic Poultry Ban in the Face of H5N1

Policy or Panic? Unpacking Hong Kong’s Strategic Poultry Ban in the Face of H5N1

Hong Kong has banned poultry imports from several countries H5N1 avian influenza-related trade restrictions evoke memories of supply chain meltdowns during early COVID-19, but Hong ...
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Does Milk Hold the Answer to H5N1 Surveillance?

Does Milk Hold the Answer to H5N1 Surveillance?

The emergence of avian influenza H5N1 in dairy cattle is potentially a waypoint on the viral evolutionary journey to a business-disrupting mutation (see earlier ...
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To Prepare Against the Worst, CSOs Need High-Impact H5N1 Scenarios

To Prepare Against the Worst, CSOs Need High-Impact H5N1 Scenarios

What is the Milk Warning Us About? H5N1 in dairy cattle is a wake-up call to CSOs. COVID may feel over, but new disruptive biosecurity ...
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H5N1 and the risks to enterprise businesses globally

H5N1 and the risks to enterprise businesses globally

Influenza viruses, including H5N1, are notorious for their constant evolution. Although the H5N1 strain currently poses little risk of person-to-person transmission, that could rapidly ...
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Milk at store shelves

If the grocery store milk is safe, why are experts worried about H5N1?

Before COVID-19, when pandemic experts imagined the next great threat, we always started with a novel influenza virus. Other diseases have also caused pandemics, but ...
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Practical guidance for the workplace and workforce Featured

Keeping Your Employees Productive-How PHC Global Reduces Workplace Absenteeism

Absenteeism is a direct drain on workplace productivity. This was never more consequential than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Estimates note absenteeism measures surged globally with ...
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Biorisk Briefs

Biorisks Briefs are issued to alert our readers to developing events around the world. When Biorisk Briefs are published, the threat levels of the events they cover are still rather low but are serious enough to warrant observation. This is another way PHC keeps you informed about biorisk around the world.


PHC whitepapers give you in-depth information about wide-ranging topics from infectious disease and public health to genomic epidemiology. Our experts share their knowledge with you, providing you an insider’s view of important topics.


Step into the visual world of PHC Infographics, where complex information about biorisks is transformed into captivating visual representations, making it accessible and engaging for everyone.


Welcome to PHC Guides where we explore how to manage and mitigate biorisks in various settings.


PHC videos are available on demand to help you learn more about biorisk and PHC.

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